

Hello, could you say me if it is possible to come with a child is 2 years old?
Hi, you're advised: full price for children, declined baby admission.
I live in Florida, U.S.A.I would like to buy 1 ticket for one evening show.The date of my attendance can be on any oneof these dates:Oct. 4, Oct. 5, Oct. 15, or Oct. 16. What is best procedure to buy and receive ticket? Can the ticket besent to my address in Florida before Oct. 1, 2017? I am also staying in hotel in Shanghai.Would it be better to by ticket in Shanghai?
Hi, the tickets for October are not released, please follow the web site.
When only homedelivery is supported, how do I get a ticket for 6 march? (I'm not in China now)
Hi, you may buy the tickets after you arrived in Shanghai.
Hi,Im in zhengzhou city could you please tell me how can i get tickets in here & how long its gonna take to get tickets in hand?
Hi, you may choose "home delivery", it will take up to 3 to 5 days.
when will tickets for October, 2017, be available
Hi, please come back after August.
Can I receive the tickets by email ?
Hi, the tickets have to deliver to you.
Hi, i have a sudden change in meeting schedule but i booked my ticket already. Can i get your help to to change my 8 tickets from 28 Oct Friday to 4 Nov? My order number is 1610161123. Please help me. Thank you
Hi, your tickets were issued, cannot be changed.
When we can buy ticket for the ERA show in January 2017 ??
Hi, it will be released after November.
Hi this is Ben. I'm trying to get two tickets 280rnb each for tonight's show. Is it possible? Can I do over the counter purchase? Thank you!
Hi, you may try, but we're not sure any tickets will be left at that time.
I would like to book tickets for Jan 2018, but Internet page only Shows Dec 2017 and cannot be changed. Please instruct hot to do.
Hi, now the tickets for Jan. 2018 are released, please make the order from web site.
we want 4 tickets for may 9 , can we get tickerts over the counter on may 9
Hi, only home delivery is supported.
Are there still 4 tickets available for today 06.Aug
Hi, it's not available.