

Do you have discount for students?
Hi, no discount for ERA ticket.
Will there be ERA performances in October?
Hi, it is not confirmed yet.
Hi this is Ben. I'm trying to get two tickets 280rnb each for tonight's show. Is it possible? Can I do over the counter purchase? Thank you!
Hi, you may try, but we're not sure any tickets will be left at that time.
Hi, do you have shows in Aug? If so, when will the tickets be released for sale?
Hi, no ERA show in Aug, but you may try Happy Circus.
Hello, is it still possible to buy tickets for tomorrow's performance? We would really like to go!Thank you in advance,Silvia
Hi, you may go to the theater to try, but we are not sure.
Do you still have VIP ticket available for 8 October?
Hi, there are no performances scheduled for October 8.
Hello , how can i book tickets and collect them from the theatre?
Hi, only home delivery is supported.
Hi - what time does the gate open to buy tickets at the ticket office ? Is there a number we can call to book tickets?
Hi, it open at 9:00 each day.
I want to buy 9 VIP tickets. This requires 2 transactions but I have no idea if there are available seats for 9. How can I check seating? For example, can I choose my seats before purchasing the tickets? When I fill in the form under “Buy Now”, it does not show me options to select seats before I am asked to enter payment details. So wanted to ask before accidentally completing the purchase.
There are still enough seats available and we will arrange seating after placing an order and paying for it.
Is it possible to buy tickets at the day of show in Ticket office?
Hi, you can if the tickets are not sold out.
Hey! Will you deliver me on time 4 tickets for the 28th performance to Hongkou discrict If I make the purchase today?
Hi, it will be shipped on Monday if you booked today.
Do I have to purchase a ticket for a 2 year old?
Yes, one ticket for one person.