July Performance Schedule for ERA Time and Space Tour at Shanghai Circus World

2023-06-03 15:28
Views: 532

ERA2 - Spirit of Shanghai

Venue: ShanghaiShanghai Circus World
Address: 2266 Gonghexin Road, Jing'an District
Price: ¥280 - 1080
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Starting from July, Shanghai Circus World ERA Time Travel will have performances every Friday night, and on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. The performance lasts about 90 minutes. Shanghai Circus World, known as the "first circus city in China," is a landmark building of Shanghai International Cultural Exchange Center, located at No. 2266 Gonghexin Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai.



All the music for each program is tailor-made and original, featuring a mix of trendy hip-hop, tango, and romantic vocal performances. The show seamlessly blends traditional Chinese instruments such as guzheng, erhu, horsehead fiddle, shakuhachi, gongs, and drums with Western instruments like piano, harp, and violin, showcasing a global music style that is both Chinese and international. It's just like the city of Shanghai, which is open and inclusive, and full of beauty and wonder.

上海马戏城 ERA时空之旅门票价格座位图 

With stunning stage effects and amazing acrobatic performances, "ERA Time Travel 2" takes you on a magical journey full of surprises and wonders. There are even more highlights waiting for you to discover!

"Please note that the performance program may be subject to change based on the availability of performers and equipment. The actual performance program is subject to the on-site situation. We appreciate your understanding."


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Hi when ordering online can we choose the seats?
Hi, choosing the seats is not supported.
Can I select the seats?
Hi, we are sorry that you cannot choose the seats.
Does the intersection of time perform on weekdays?
Hi, normally ERA will perform each day.
hello. Do you have 1 ticket fot 10th August?
Hi, no more ticket left.
Is there a performance on Friday 16th or Saturday 17th?
Hi, there are two performances on Friday or Saturday.
When we can buy ticket for the ERA show in January 2017 ??
Hi, it will be released after November.
When can I buy tickets for May 3rd? The dates don;t go past Apr 30.
Hi, the tickets for May are still not in schedule, please wait.
I live in Florida, U.S.A.I would like to buy 1 ticket for one evening show.The date of my attendance can be on any oneof these dates:Oct. 4, Oct. 5, Oct. 15, or Oct. 16. What is best procedure to buy and receive ticket? Can the ticket besent to my address in Florida before Oct. 1, 2017? I am also staying in hotel in Shanghai.Would it be better to by ticket in Shanghai?
Hi, the tickets for October are not released, please follow the web site.
Hello!I'm from Germany. How long will it take for the tickets to arrive?
Hi, it will take about 10 to 15 days to arrive Germany.
Do you have tickets for August 2?
Hi, yes, you may book the tickets online.
Is there a show on Monday May 8?
Hi, there is a show each night.
When only homedelivery is supported, how do I get a ticket for 6 march? (I'm not in China now)
Hi, you may buy the tickets after you arrived in Shanghai.